I’m a web fanboy
Can the web be
more app-like?
“Our goal is to make 60fps a reality on all content,
and on all devices.”
Ryan Schoen, Chrome
60fps for
all animations…
…not just
transform and opacity
Material design
for the web?
Chrome + Task Switcher + Theme Colours
<meta name="theme-color" content="#db5945">
“What we need is a method of “installing” web apps so they are indistinguishable from any other app installed on a user’s device”
Bruce Lawson, Opera
{ "name": "My App",
"icons": [...],
"display": "fullscreen",
"orientation": "portrait",
"start_url": "/index.html"
"service_worker": {
"src": "app.js",
"scope": "/myapp" } }
“ServiceWorker changes the scope of the web more than any feature since XHR”
Jake Archibald, Google
“…basically an in-browser proxy that gives you the power to script what happens before you go to the network, and what happens after you get back from the network”
Alex Russell, Google
“Since Service Workers run in the “background”, they open up several possibilities for the Web that were previously only available on native platforms”
Nikhil Marathe, Mozilla
Service Workers
completely redefine
the web
Fetch/Cache APIs
Push & Notification APIs
Background Sync API
“… the native app pendulum has swung out about as far as it can, and in the next few years we’ll start seeing it swing back toward web tech again”
Michael Bleigh, Divshot
Plan for a
“web app” future