Mark Dalgleish
“A Bespoke Ecosystem”
On front-end modularity
Bespoke.js is a blank canvas
Most frameworks are
busy adding features
Bespoke features over time:
- Manages deck state
- Handles keyboard input
- Handles touch input
- Adds CSS classes
- Allows plugins
bespoke.from('#presentation', [
bullets('li, .bullet'),
Every plugin is a separate module
var bespoke = require('bespoke'),
classes = require('bespoke-classes'),
keys = require('bespoke-keys'),
touch = require('bespoke-touch'),
bullets = require('bespoke-bullets');
Plugins are just functions
module.exports = function(options) {
return function(deck) {;
// etc…
The API is inherently modular
- Using it teaches you how it works
- No black box, small approachable modules
- Users are encouraged to view source
Perfect for fighting
“fear of the imperfect solution”
Plugins provide a safe space for your crazy experiments
Managing versions is simplified
Great for maintenance mode
- Bugs are minimised
- Mistaken bug reports are also minimised
- Bug reports tend to go to the right place
- You get to keep your sanity
“I just want some boilerplate”
Almost everyone
Competing concerns
Modularity vs Ease of Use
$ npm install -g generator-bespoke
$ yo bespoke
h1 Slide 1
h1 Slide 2
bespoke.from('article', [
// plugins…
- Gulp build system (previously Grunt)
- Preview server with LiveReload
- Style sheet to get started
- GitHub Pages deployment task
Modularity paid off
- Generator is boilerplate + module selector
- Wouldn’t work if Bespoke was a black box
- You can ignore the generator if you’re too cool
Yeoman jump-started presentations
What about plugins?
By Matteo Collina
Add camera feed to slide
Just a simple data attribute
<section data-camera="fullscreen">
Lots of Bespoke presentations
- Many use the “starter” styles
- Many copy other custom styles
“The only thing missing to make Bespoke.js perfect is theming”
“Themes” are more than CSS
- Themes need to be composed of other plugins
- The plugin API was getting in the way
v0.x API
bespoke.from('#deck', {
keys: true,
touch: true,
bullets: 'li, .bullet'
Plugins sit on global ‘bespoke’
// bespoke.js
var bespoke = …;
// bespoke-keys.js
bespoke.plugins.keys = function(deck, options) {
Flat dependency graph
|- {plugin}
|- {plugin}
|- {plugin}
|- {plugin}
jQuery works like this
var $ = …;
// Plugins piggy back onto a host object
$.prototype.plugin = function() {
this; // collection;
Grunt works like this:
jade: {
src: 'src/*.jade',
The problem with these APIs?
They're not composable
Grunt switched paradigms
- Originally it included a suite of “plugins”
- Modules instead of a large black box
- The API didn’t change with it…
Why Gulp seems easier
- Modular from the start
- The API fits the paradigm
var jade = require('gulp-jade');
return gulp.src('src/*.jade')
// Explicitly pass plugin
// reference to stream:
Bespoke had the same problem
Time to change the API
All by Substack
Require in the browser
var bespoke = require('bespoke');
Users explicitly require all plugins
No more global objects
var progress = require('bespoke-progress');
How does Browserify help
with theme styles?
Transform to inline file contents
brfs compiles this:
var css = fs.readFileSync(__dirname +
'/theme.css', 'utf8');
Into this:
var css = '.bespoke-parent{ …';
Inserts a string of CSS to the head
var css = '.bespoke-parent{…';
insertCss(css, { prepend: true });
module.exports = function() {
// Prepend styles:
var css = fs.readFileSync(…, 'utf8');
insertCss(css, { prepend: true });
// Include plugins:
return function(deck) {
Plugins can be composed
|- {plugin}
|- {plugin}
|- {plugin}
|- {plugin}
|- {plugin}
|- {plugin}
Installing a theme
$ npm install bespoke-theme-cube
Using a theme
var cube = require('bespoke-theme-cube');
bespoke.from('#deck', [
- Gulp build system
- Browserify + brfs + insert-css
- Stylus, normalize and autoprefixer
- GitHub Pages deployment task for demo
JavaScript centric modules
- Manages DOM nodes
- Inserts style/link/script tags
- Dynamically inserts assets
Separate your concerns,
not your technologies
- CSS in your JS bundle is okay
- Front-end code on npm is okay too
- Even if it’s just CSS (check out Normalize.css)
The new normal
- HTML templates compiled to JS (old news)
- Brfs / WebPack’s loader system
The future…?
- Web components inserting styles into Shadow DOM
- How the community reacts is yet to be seen…
Don’t build a monolith—
craft an ecosystem
It may surprise you where it leads…
By Mozilla’s Angelina Fabbro
Visual slide editor for Bespoke & Impress
Join the ecosystem:
$ npm install -g generator-bespoke
$ yo bespoke